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13e Sen5 Rhein Shiai (VOL, alleen op wachtlijst)

11 januari

€40.00 – €80.00

Dit toernooi heeft het maximum aantal van 1000 deelnemers bereikt. Je wordt op een wachtlijst geplaatst en weet pas later of je maa kan doen.

Dit is een round robin toernooi

Meer info op: Info

So all participants will be put into groups by draw and fight in those groups against all other fighters. The best of each group will qualify to the next round. So every participant will have plenty of fights and lots of opportunities to get more fighting experience.

Please note: The preliminary rounds will be round robin. The following elimination rounds will be done by Ko.-System (no repechage). All detailed informations about the system will be provided after registration deadline.

Rules of WKF (World Karate Federation) and DKV (German Karate Federations will be applied There will be the system with one referee and four judges.

mouthguard, gloves, shinguards sowie and groinguard (male) are obligate..

From U 12 female chestguard is also obligate, you are allowed to wear a bodyprotector.

Between the matches you only need to change the beltcolour and the colour of the gloves.

Are there less than six participants in a category, we are allowed to merge different divisions.

Kumite U12       male -32kg/-38kg/-42kg/+42kg                           & female -30kg/-36kg/+36kg

Kumite U14       male -38kg/-44kg/-50kg/+50kg                           & female -35kg/-42kg/-49kg/+49kg

Kumite U16       male -45kg/-52kg/-57kg/-63kg/-70kg/+70kg   & female -47kg/-54kg/-60kg/+60kg

Kumite U18       male -61 kg/-68kg/+68kg                                       & female -53kg/-59kg/+59kg

Kumite U21       male -67kg/-75kg/+75kg                                         & female -55kg/-61kg/+61kg

We will provide training sessions on friday evening, during the whole saturday and sunday morning. The training schedule will be published on Sportdata about one week before the event. The seminar is free for all participants and coaches.

starting fees

The starting fees for all ages are 70,00€. This amount covers all activities like the start at the tournament and all training/sparring sessions. All changes after registration deadline cost additional 20,00€.

Nürburgring, K 72, Nürnberg, Landkreis Ahrweiler, Rhineland-Palatinate, 53520, Germany


11 januari
€40.00 – €80.00


Arena Nurburgring
Nürburg, Rhineland-Palatinate 53520 Duitsland
+ Google Maps


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